The Indiana Writers Center is pleased to offer INwords: a publishing intiative featuring original works generated by programs as the Indiana Writers Center. 我们目前提供以下标题,可在我们的商店购买.
A Commotion in Your Heart: Notes on Writing and Life
A Commotion in Your Heart: Notes on Writing and Life “is a memoir about the writing life,” Shoup said. 以小插曲的形式讲述,重点是理解写作是什么, and is not, the book charts Shoup’s journey from her childhood dream of becoming an author through the ups and downs of publishing, 以及教各个年龄段有抱负的作家的乐趣,” she said. “Some writers just write. That’s enough for them. But over time I became obsessed with the process of writing stories as I was with the stories themselves. Those moments of intuition never fail to excite me. It’s tempting to say that they feel like pieces of a puzzle clicking into place—they do feel that way—but it’s a puzzle that can never be solved. 你怎么能指望理解人类在创作故事时的思维方式呢, 当你只有一个人类的头脑来理解它? It’s impossible, of course. But writers are people who keep trying anyway.” “A Commotion in Your Heart should be on every writer’s bookshelf, next to Bird by Bird, Writing Down the Bones and Welty’s One Writer’s Beginnings. Reading it is like having a writing partner who hands you tools but also knows exactly what you’re going through at every stage of the process and inspires you with her tenacity, wisdom and humor.” Price- $15.00 *图书销售的利润将捐给IWC万国表,以进一步实现我们的使命. |
Only Witness
| 吉姆·鲍威尔是印第安纳作家中心的创始人, 这是一个支持印第安纳州作家40年的非营利组织. Among the characters you’ll find in his collection of nineteen stories are a young woman who’s under the thrall of a former Nazi, 一个照顾他年迈的母亲度过阿尔茨海默症的男人, a child used as a pawn by his mother, 一个作家与一个永远不会改变的老朋友联系在一起. The settings range from Indianapolis to Vienna, Krakow, Puerto Vallarta, and beyond—but no matter its setting, each story is filtered through the lens of a writer who knows who he is and where he’s from. Powell’s stories are intense, even disturbing at times. But they are always true. 每一个都反映了一生的智慧和慷慨, 见证了人类生存环境的巨大复杂性. “Jim Powell’s book of stories, Only Witness, 对我们这个时代的日常喜剧和悲剧进行了深刻而抒情的见证, with an admirably authentic Hoosier flavor. 鲍威尔继承了尼科尔森、塔金顿和冯内古特的伟大传统.” —Dan Wakefield, author of Going All the Way Price- $15.00 |
| 不像我们其他人:当代印第安纳作家选集 features seventy-eight notable Indiana poets, fiction writers and essayists, including Marianne Boruch, Jared Carter, Mari Evans, Karen Joy Fowler, Helen Frost, John Green, Philip Gulley, Patricia Henley, Susan Neville, Scott Russell Sanders, and Dan Wakefield. 这里最有经验的作家都九十多岁了,最年轻的才二十多岁. Some are best-selling authors, some widely known in literary circles, some just beginning. 许多人在印第安纳州出生和长大,其他人找到了这里并留在了这里. Edited by Barbara Shoup & Rachel Sahaidachny Read the article in the Indianapolis Star. 一个官方认可的印第安纳州200周年遗产项目, 这本书将对印第安纳州丰富的文学遗产的欣赏延伸到了21世纪st 世纪,表彰那些在我们这个时代为印第安纳州带来荣誉的作家. Special Web Price- $15.00 |
Joy Comes in the Morning
| 面对过去的恐惧,探索未来的梦想, women from the Julian Center shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault reclaim their lives through writing. Edited by Rachel Sahaidachny |
Memory Workshop
| Maybe you want to preserve the stories of your life for your family; maybe you want to write them solely for yourself–to better understand what made you who you are, perhaps to help heal a hurt that won’t let go. 也许你觉得你有一个故事要讲,更广阔的世界需要知道. Memory Workshop invites you to enter the satisfying process of getting those stories told. It offers practical insights about how writing works and a series of writing exercises to help you identify the moments in your life worth telling and find the voice to bring them to life on the page. |
Dream Workshop
| Dream Workshop offers you the opportunity to explore and reflect on your own lifetime of dreams. We hope its questions and quotes inspire you and that its writing prompts trigger memories that bring insights and-better yet-fuel future dreaming. |
| In the summer of 2015, Indiana Writers Center staff and volunteers met with homeless women at the Wheeler Mission Community Center for Women and Children to help them write about their lives. 他们写的故事诚实而原始,充满了挣扎、心碎和希望. “It’s all there. 她们的美丽,她们的力量,她们的力量,她们的痛苦……所有的一切. Such a gorgeous well-rounded view of what it means to survive and sometimes thrive in a life filled with traumatic events. The book honors these beautiful survivors. Thank you for seeing these phenomenal women for who they really are and allowing them to share their stories.” 读一篇丹·卡朋特写的关于仁慈与真理相遇的精彩文章. |
| 从二战海军陆战队到伊拉克陆军炮手的十位女退伍军人, 分享作为一名美国女性的个人故事.S. Military. 凭借勇气、诚实、机智和智慧,他们找到了语言. Edited by Shari Wagner |
Flying Island
Flying Island is the Online Literary Journal of the Indiana Writers Center accepting submissions on a rolling basis from Midwest residents and those with significant ties to the Midwest. For submissions info, visit the journal online here. 《十大网赌平台推荐》于2014年1月上线,由David Hassler编辑, JL Kato and Julianna Thibodeaux. 诗歌中最好的在线写作贡献的集合, Fiction and Nonfiction was published in March of 2015. |
Monday Coffee & Other Stories
| Mothers of children with special needs feel guilt, sadness, and joy simultaneously, which is hard to understand. The mothers in this anthology don’t seek pity; instead, 它们说明了从诊断开始的复杂情绪, explore care in both early and later years, 并邀请我们见证他们的孩子过早死亡的后果. Weaving together essays, poems, 还有各种残疾儿童的母亲制作的图片, Jones and Whiteacre have edited a collection that highlights the challenges and joys of motherhood, exposing both fears and guilty pleasures as mothers explore their relationships with their children, partners, families, caregivers, educators, and the medical community. |
| Funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund, the Indiana Writers Center’s “Building a Rainbow” creative writing program serves a diverse group of young people in Indianapolis, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. I Remember is a collection of writings completed during the Indiana Writers Center summer youth writing programs. |
| Funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund, the Indiana Writers Center’s “Building a Rainbow” creative writing program serves a diverse group of young people in Indianapolis, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. I Remember is a collection of writings completed during the Indiana Writers Center summer youth writing programs. |
Funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund, the Indiana Writers Center’s “Building a Rainbow” creative writing program serves a diverse group of young people in Indianapolis, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. I Remember is a collection of writings completed during the Indiana Writers Center summer youth writing programs. |
I Remember: Indianapolis Youth Write About Their Lives is a collection of writing by students in the Indiana Writers Center’s 2013 summer learning program, “Building a Rainbow.该项目服务于印第安纳波利斯不同群体的年轻人, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. “我记得”还包括用于儿童的写作提示, 使其成为教师和家长的优秀资源. |
编辑:Darolyn Jones, Mark Latta, Barbara Shoup, Julianna Thibodeaux和Shari Wagner.
Funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund, the Indiana Writers Center’s “Building a Rainbow” creative writing program serves a diverse group of young people in Indianapolis, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. “I Remember” is a collection of writings completed during the Indiana Writers Center summer youth writing programs, 以及对教学的观察和用来引出写作的提示. |
Funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund, the Indiana Writers Center’s “Building a Rainbow” creative writing program serves a diverse group of young people in Indianapolis, improving their writing and literacy skills through a series of creative writing exercises that teach them how to write the stories of their own lives. Working one-on-one, Writers Center instructors, student teachers, and volunteers help the young writers get their words on the page and also encourage them to reflect upon the experiences they’ve written about, 考虑他们所学到的东西如何帮助他们实现梦想. I Remember is a collection of writings completed during the Indiana Writers Center summer youth writing programs. |
I Remember: Creative Writing by Indianapolis Youth
I Remember: Creative Writing by Indianapolis Youth 充满了学生们生动的写作 St. Florian Leadership Camp, La Plaza拉丁裔青年领导学院(LILY), and the Concord Neighborhood Center Summer Day Camp. Their stories and poems will take you from a chair in a beauty shop to a beach in Mexica; from Grandma’s kitchen to the Taj Mahal. You’ll plunge downward in a rollercoaster, paddle a canoe up a creek, and join in a Puerto Rican folk dance. You’ll meet the people they love. 编辑:Darolyn Jones, Mark Latta, Barbara Shoup, Julianna Thibodeaux和Shari Wagner. |